Sunday, December 6, 2009

Rajapkse’s two promises given to Devananda are portentous to country – an attempt to betray the victory using his Presidential position.- Tilvi

JVP Gen . Secretary Tilvin Silva speaking at a media briefing at the JVP office today (9), said the President Rajapakse must immediately tell the country publicly whether he is going to implement the 13th amendment and devolve powers, and is accepting the LTTE demands of a Tamil state at the Thimpu talks .

Douglas Fernando speaking to the media said, he has agreed to support President Rajapakse at the forthcoming elections on ten conditions which the President has agreed with .Of the ten conditions the President has agreed , two of them are very serious and dangerous ,detrimental to the country , Tilvin pointed out.

The first condition the President has abjectly surrendered to is to devolve powers beyond the 13th amendment establishing a united Central Govt.. under which the Provincial Council will function.

Similarly he has agreed under the tenth condition to accept the demarcation of the Tamil speaking peoples zone.

Tilvin Silva pointed out ,by the President agreeing to these conditions is defeating the very purpose of the war victory which was achieved after sacrificing so many lives of innocent people and Armed Forces in order to protect the country’s sovereignty and integrity . At the Thimpu talks, LTTE proposed three main conditions. Mahinda Rajapakse has agreed to the condition for a separate Tamil zone. The president is trying to betray the peoples victory using his Presidential powers, he pinpointed.

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