Monday, November 30, 2009

Alleged arms deals frauds - All Arms deals done by Lanka logistics Co. – Gotabaya is its Chairman

Gen . Fonseka when discussing with an English newspaper recently categorically stated that the Govt. is doing everything possible to make him most vulnerable to attacks from the enemies whom he destroyed to save the country .Hence, if any harm befalls him , the President will be fully and directly responsible.

The Govt. is on a witch hunt against me because I am contesting the forthcoming Presidential elections . My security had been reduced drastically from 600 to 25 . The Govt. must understand that I am having enemies including those of the Govt. The recent Kelaniya Temple episode is ample testimony. Thugs , drug addicts and hooligans were hired in an attempt to insult and intimidate me. I hope the people will carefully watch over these dangers .

At question time , answering questions regarding frauds in the Arms purchases, he went on to explain that all Army procurement deals were done through a Company , Lanka Logistics , of which the Chairman is none other than Defense Secretary Gotabaya Rajapakse . All money deals and transactions were done by them. All payment authorizations were also done by them. We only looked into the technical aspects of procurements . If there is going to be an investigation into this , if they give me an opportunity I will also help them catch the culprits , he added

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