Monday, November 30, 2009

I am winning..! Gen. Fonseka exudes with self confidence –answers calmly before 300 media personnel

(Lanka-e-News, Nov.29, 2009, 10.00PM Second edition Nov.30, 11.45AM)

Are you entering politics ?

Are you contesting the Presidential elections?
Yes. All Opposition parties are wishing that I contest as common candidate.

Will you win ?
Yes. I shall win.

The General Sarath Fonseka making his maiden speech to the media at the JAIC Hilton Hotel on 29th, made an official announcement that he is the Opposition common Presidential candidate for the upcoming Presidential elections while answering the questions posed by the media.

Making an official announcement to all citizens of SL, he stated thus; I, Gardhihewage Sarath Chandralal Fonseka under section 31 of Chapter 7 of the constitution of the Democratic republic of SL hereby announce that I shall be the Presidential candidate for the Presidential elections to be held on 26th January 2010 under a registered democratic party with the symbol ‘Swan’in accordance with the laws of the country.

What I ask from the people is to give me a mandate to introduce good governance. Give me an opportunity to abolish the Executive presidency which brought doom to this country. I have no need to be a President who rides on the backs of the people and spend my time continuing to do evil giving false promises as President, while forgetting the expectations of the people. I totally condemn that attitude. The Executive Presidency shall be revoked. People cannot expect any benefit from a despotic President

Hereunder are the answers furnished by the General to questions posed to him by the media.

What is your symbol for the Presidential elections?
My election symbol is Swan. It is a creature which is intelligent and can distinguish water from milk.
What is the solution you have for the Tamil speaking population
This is a question no politician had been able to give a clear answer for years. Dont forget I have resigned the Army just ten days ago. I am not a PhD in History. T he 13th amendment which should provide the answer ought to be amended according to the current times. By discussion with all a solution should be sought. The political parties with me are vigilant about this. As I said earlier a solution shall be found through the Parliament which is answerable to the people..My personal view is the majority should provide protection to the minorities. Their political aspirations shall be fulfilled. The demnds of the majority should not harm the minority and vice versa.
The Govt. is accusing that those who funded the LTTE earlier re now funding you?
I am a an individual drawing a pension of Rs. 50,000/-. Out of this amount I cannot carry on my election campaign, you must be aware. Many are helping me financially..Businessmen, people and even small children are helping me. If the LTTE are helping, it is not because of the war, it is because of the programs we have envisaged. If the LTTE are helping therefore, they are welcome.

What are your plans to safeguard the Tamils’ rights?
I answered this before. There is no need of any arguments on this. The constitution provides rights to the minorities. If those constitutional provisions are followed, there shall be no problem.

What is your idea about the private sector participation for economic resurgence?
The private sector is the backbone of the economy.
You cant develop the country neglecting them.
They must be allowed to acrry on their trade freely and independently. When the Govt. intervenes, corruption, bribery etc. rage. You can see this for yourself now.

Will you go to the North for the elections?
I am eager to met them if the Govt. provides adequate security.

After you are elected ,what will you do with those who switch from party to party?
This type of selfish politics ought to be changed. T hat culture shall be changed. After the Parliamentary elections laws should be passed to preclude this.

Mangala Samaraweera who is assisting you today, criticized you earlier .
Yes, he said, I am not fit even to be in the Salvation Army. When in the Opposition, it is the practice to criticize the Govt.’s ways. That time I was in the Govt. Others are private reasons. But, now we are together to solve far more important country’s general problems. Today, we are good friends.

What have you to say about the assassination of Sunday Leader editor, Lasantha Wickremetunge ?
Not only Lasantha Wickremetunge murder, they are responsible for failure to implement the laws duly, earlier and now. It is no point their pointing an accusing finger at me. I was following the discipline as an Army officer. I had no association with the underworld. Neither did I take a pistol or club and display chandi tactics on the roads. If I am elected I shall hold impartial inquiries into these and mete out punishment. It is useless their making accusations against others without evidence.

How is India’s relationship with you?
I have an excellent relationship with India. When I first joined the Army as a second Lieutenant, it is to India I went for training. I have undergone training in India on several occasions. I greatly respect the Indian culture. I also love Indian music. In my school days I had a great desire to see Indian films. India is our special neighbor.

What are you going to do about the waste of public funds on Flyovers which are below standard? How are you going to get back those funds?
Those responsible shall be subject to the maximum punishment. Measures shall be adopted to avoid such things happening again. The Govt. should recover the funds from those who caused this. Frauds in public funds shall be stopped once and for all.

Q. What is your reply to those foreign countries which make accusations about SL war crimes?
We fought the war observing discipline most scrupulously. However, if anyone is saying that the war was conducted wrongly, we shall hold an inquiry.

What is your view on the ‘Mathata thitha’?
A Nation cannot progress while being drunk. But, there is also a good side to intoxication. It is okay for parties. But, heroin and drugs shall be eradicated. The future generation must be saved. Those who are trafficking in them must be punished.

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